How to show tabs with JQuery

Question: How to show tabs with JQuery?
you can use following steps for this:

<br /> Step 1: Create a UL LI based tabs listing<br /> Step 2: Create Div based HTML for each tab.<br /> Step 3: Assign 1 class to all divs and unique Ids to each div.<br /> Step 4: Write CSS for tabs and divs<br /> Step 5: Write JQuery code for manipulation


</p> <div id="mak_content_nav"> <ul> <li class="active"><a href="" divID="mak_div_1">Tab 1</a></li> <li><a href="" divID="mak_div_2">Tab 2</a></li> <li><a href="" divID="mak_div_3">Tab 3</a></li> </ul></div> <p> <br clear="all"></p> <div id="mak_div_1" class="tab-contents"> Contents for tab 1. </div> <div id="mak_div_2" class="tab-contents"> Contents for tab 2. </div> <div id="mak_div_3" class="tab-contents"> Contents for tab 3. </div> <p>
</p> <style> #mak_content_nav ul li{ width: 100px; float:left; border:1px solid #666; text-align:center; color:#000; } #mak_content_nav ul li a{ text-decoration:none; color:#000; } .tab-contents{ display: none; border:1px solid #666; border-top:none; width:304px; margin-left:40px; } .active{ border-bottom:none !important; } </style> <p>
<br /> <script src=""> </script><br /> <script> function makTabs() { $('.tab-contents').hide(); $('#mak_div_1').show(); $('#mak_content_nav li a').click(function() { $('.tab-contents').hide(); var link = $(this).attr('divID'); $("#"+link).show(); $('#mak_content_nav li').removeClass('active'); $(this).parent().addClass('active'); return false; }); } $(document).ready(function() { makTabs(); }); </script><br />
